

As we enter into the next transition at City Church we believe Paul’s letter to Titus has many timely things to say to us. 

Specifically, we believe that Paul’s letter shares a blueprint for how the gospel deepens churches and spreads out into the surrounding culture. Our hope and prayer is that during these next several weeks, the Holy Spirit will illuminate our hearts and minds. There are two specific things we are praying for during this time. One, that we would have a greater sense of how we are to care for one another. Second, that we will have a better understanding of the role “good works” plays in the Christian Life. Below are a few resources that we are asking you to engage with as we move forward as a church.



Chapter 1: The Centrality of the Gospel

1:1-4 Introduction and Occasion

1:5-9 Requirements for Church Leadership

1:10-16 False Teachers


Chapter 2: The Gospel at Home

2:1-10 The Christian Community

2:11-15 Gospel Motivation


Chapter 3: The Gospel on Mission

3:1-8 The Christian in the Community

3:9-11 The False teacher in the Community

3:12-13 Instructions

3:14-15 Closing Exhortation